OBS Crius updates, v2 and v3 already …

My favorite tank is still my OBS Crius

After a good 2 weeks of use, it is the only thing I have been using. It just works damn well and the flavor is very good

A review about the v1 can be found here : https://cricstor.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/obs-crius-review/

The cons were the smaller post holes & the non standard 510 drip tip size
OBS listened to their customers and guess what they made a new version with larger holes & standar drip tip size

So I pulled the trigger and ordered another one, a version 2 that is

Now to my surprise OBS already came out with another version : v3, which has a velocity style deck

OBS Crius v3 - velocity deck

OBS Crius v3 – velocity deck

So my next tank will be this one  or OBS please start selling the decks separately ! Ow and also the glass tanks while we are at it.