Docker push times out ..

If you happen to run into docker push issues on linux try the following

Open the file  /etc/default/docker with your favorite text editor
for instance : sudo gedit /etc/default/docker

Uncomment  DOCKER_OPTS (if not done already)

Add   –max-concurrent-uploads=1 between the ” ”

restart your docker service
for instance : sudo service docker restart

This should fix it


How to fix Gulp open opens file instead of localhost:port

I recently stumbled upon this issue in Windows. I wanted to setup a new environment
and was building my gulp file. For some reason it always returned the file instead of the localhost, which caused script errors

By using the following gulp opens chrome correctly

var gulpOpen = require(‘gulp-open’);

gulp.task(‘open’, [‘connect’], function() {
.pipe(gulpOpen({uri: ‘http://localhost:7887’, app: ‘C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\Chrome.exe’}))
.on(‘error’, console.error.bind(console))


For me using app: ‘Google Chrome’ did not work, so I replaced it with the entire filename

Another problem solved, now back to real work

Flask with MS Sql Server or Azure SQL

I have been searching quite a while on how to connect to MS SQL Server or Azure SQL in Flask

Its quite simple if you know how to do it …

You might want to add pyodbc to your requirements or install it with pip

import urllib

conDEBUG = “DRIVER={SQL Server};Database=TestDB;SERVER=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;UID=sa;PWD=mypass”
conDEBUG = urllib.parse.quote_plus(conDEBUG)
conDEBUG = “mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s” % conDEBUG


and after you done this


db = SQLAlchemy(app)

That’s it, you have a working SQL connection

And for Azure SQL just replace the first line with your Azure connection string and do not forget to modify the password



GUID in Flask

Recently I started on a new webproject and I ran into Flask which I like alot
Since I have azure credits to spend, my plan is to run it on Azure with SQL server

Anyway I wanted to created a Base Class for all my models so that they have some common fields like an autoincrement id and a GUID. The GUID does not really server a purpose, but in case I ever want to migrate the DB it can come in handy

So on my firs try i tried

class KBase(Base):
__abstract__ = True
id = db.Column(‘PK_ID’, db.INTEGER, primary_key=True)
id_GUID = db.Column(‘F_GUID’, mssql.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, default=db.func.Guid(), unique=True)

which gave me an error

My solution to this is

import uuid

class MyBase(Base):
__abstract__ = True
id = db.Column(‘PK_ID’, db.INTEGER, primary_key=True)
id_GUID = db.Column(‘F_GUID’, mssql.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, unique=True)

   def __init__(self):
              id_GUID = uuid.uuid4().urn[9:]

uuid.uuid4() gives us a GUID, but you need to convert it into a string

Yes you always have to call MyBase.__init__(self), but this works, and it’s not a real issue for me