About decricque

A freelance developer who likes a lot of things, has some weird ideas and opinions. Always looking out for a deal, good recipes, gadgets ...

Docker push times out ..

If you happen to run into docker push issues on linux try the following

Open the file  /etc/default/docker with your favorite text editor
for instance : sudo gedit /etc/default/docker

Uncomment  DOCKER_OPTS (if not done already)

Add   –max-concurrent-uploads=1 between the ” ”

restart your docker service
for instance : sudo service docker restart

This should fix it


How to destroy the E-Cigarette !

I have switched from smoking to vaping more then 4 years ago. Since then I came across alot of different setups

Since I started vaping, my health improved bigtime. My taste buds are good again. I can climb stairs, and I can finally hold my breath longer again then 30 seconds. When I was younger I could stay underwater for 2 minutes and 45 seconds at least. During my 16 years of smoking this was reduced to 30 seconds. I started vaping and everything improved. The smell isn’t always a good thing 🙂

I started out with a 510-T with 16mg nicotine. Moved rapidly to an ego-t onto an evic and using boxmods after that. Currently using a reuleaux rx 200 + an obs crius with dual 316SS 0,4mm spaced coil at around 0.26 ohms, using a 2mg liquid that I brew myself


[Rant on]
The new European laws smell like corruption. In Belgium (my home country), the new law is getting published

I am not against regulation and taxes, but which company is going to fork out 4000euro/item to get an item approved ?

This smells bigtime

I am not against liquids being in the form of 10ml with a maximum of 20mg nicotine.
Tanks with 2ml suck, but hey you just fill it up a bit more. So I can deal with this.
But honestly we get sent back to the stone ages, since the only things approved seem to be the cigarette types. Sorry but this doesn’t help a lot of people to quit smoking.

Basically they are just throwing away a healthier alternative to smoking

Thank you !!!!!!!

[Rant off]



How to fix Gulp open opens file instead of localhost:port

I recently stumbled upon this issue in Windows. I wanted to setup a new environment
and was building my gulp file. For some reason it always returned the file instead of the localhost, which caused script errors

By using the following gulp opens chrome correctly

var gulpOpen = require(‘gulp-open’);

gulp.task(‘open’, [‘connect’], function() {
.pipe(gulpOpen({uri: ‘http://localhost:7887’, app: ‘C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\Chrome.exe’}))
.on(‘error’, console.error.bind(console))


For me using app: ‘Google Chrome’ did not work, so I replaced it with the entire filename

Another problem solved, now back to real work

Flask with MS Sql Server or Azure SQL

I have been searching quite a while on how to connect to MS SQL Server or Azure SQL in Flask

Its quite simple if you know how to do it …

You might want to add pyodbc to your requirements or install it with pip

import urllib

conDEBUG = “DRIVER={SQL Server};Database=TestDB;SERVER=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;UID=sa;PWD=mypass”
conDEBUG = urllib.parse.quote_plus(conDEBUG)
conDEBUG = “mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s” % conDEBUG


and after you done this


db = SQLAlchemy(app)

That’s it, you have a working SQL connection

And for Azure SQL just replace the first line with your Azure connection string and do not forget to modify the password



GUID in Flask

Recently I started on a new webproject and I ran into Flask which I like alot
Since I have azure credits to spend, my plan is to run it on Azure with SQL server

Anyway I wanted to created a Base Class for all my models so that they have some common fields like an autoincrement id and a GUID. The GUID does not really server a purpose, but in case I ever want to migrate the DB it can come in handy

So on my firs try i tried

class KBase(Base):
__abstract__ = True
id = db.Column(‘PK_ID’, db.INTEGER, primary_key=True)
id_GUID = db.Column(‘F_GUID’, mssql.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, default=db.func.Guid(), unique=True)

which gave me an error

My solution to this is

import uuid

class MyBase(Base):
__abstract__ = True
id = db.Column(‘PK_ID’, db.INTEGER, primary_key=True)
id_GUID = db.Column(‘F_GUID’, mssql.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, unique=True)

   def __init__(self):
              id_GUID = uuid.uuid4().urn[9:]

uuid.uuid4() gives us a GUID, but you need to convert it into a string

Yes you always have to call MyBase.__init__(self), but this works, and it’s not a real issue for me


OBS Crius updates, v2 and v3 already …

My favorite tank is still my OBS Crius

After a good 2 weeks of use, it is the only thing I have been using. It just works damn well and the flavor is very good

A review about the v1 can be found here : https://cricstor.wordpress.com/2015/10/20/obs-crius-review/

The cons were the smaller post holes & the non standard 510 drip tip size
OBS listened to their customers and guess what they made a new version with larger holes & standar drip tip size

So I pulled the trigger and ordered another one, a version 2 that is

Now to my surprise OBS already came out with another version : v3, which has a velocity style deck

OBS Crius v3 - velocity deck

OBS Crius v3 – velocity deck

So my next tank will be this one  or OBS please start selling the decks separately ! Ow and also the glass tanks while we are at it.

OBS crius review

This is a review of the OBS Crius rebuildable tank

Note: I bought this one myself in the UK. So this is my own opinion.

This tank is fairly new at the time of this review. I primarily bought this tank since it looked interesting for topfilling and wicking. The Crius stands out from the rest due to the intuitive wicking design. Instead of holes up to the wick you are supposed to push down some wick in to the holes. And with a twist on the ring you can control the juice flow.

I have used a tank so far and I must say the flavor is very good, airflow is very good.
Compared to a Youde Zephyrus the airflow is a little bit less (perhaps 5 to 10% less)

The complete box contains a screwdriver, a spare glass, some wick (did not even bother to open it), a piece of wire, 4 pre made coils, space o-rings, spare screws and a very nice manual. The manual is very clear and well illustrated which is a nice plus

Onto the tank itself, it a very nice looking tank, seems to be well build. Unscrewing all the parts the first time took me awhile to apply enough pressure to get everything loose. I am always careful when unscrewing a new tank. I was going to try the pre made coils but directly put in a dual titanium 0,4mm (26 AWG) in, 6 wraps, coming out at 0,165 ohms. As wick I used “Fibre Freaks nr 2”. As test juice I used a 2,5mg (50pg/50VG) homebrew liquid that I currently also have in my Youde Zephyrus (coil is also almost the same). I pulled the wick through and tucked in into the holes so the holes are just filled.

I applied some juice to the wick, put the base in the tank, closed of airflow and juice flow and filled it up top. Now for filling it up you just pull the top part of the tank up and voila … you can fill it. This for me is already a must on any tank . Comparing this to other top fill tank systems (for instance lemo 2, zephyrus), this is by far the easiest system I have used. After filling it, I pushed it back down, opened up airflow and gave the juist control a twist. I started of with the holes completely aligned to the base, so the maximum. I immediately had very small air bubbles coming out which is a good thing.

So I fired it up at 27,5 J, 400F. And this tank lived up to all my expectations flavor and airflow wise. I am not a chainvaper, but it can certainly keep up the wicking. I did not do a kanthal build, since I rarely use kanthal anymore. But this tank will perform I am 100% sure of that. Personally I think this tank is more suited for the flavor chaser.

Now on the negative things … the drip tip … I have 3 drip tips that fit, all the rest do not fit.
The included drip tip certainly isn’t bad at all, but they could have made the hole standard drip tip.

Also there might be an issue if you want to use thicker wire, clapton coils, your coils of choice. The holes are tiny. So if you really like to use twisted/clapton, whatever, you might want to skip this tank or wait for a newer version if OBS decides to make the wire holes a bit larger.

Some pictures


  • easy to build
  • easy to wick
  • looks good
  • amazing flavor
  • very good airflow
  • comes with extra’s
  • very easy top fill
  • no leaking
  • juice control


  • tiny holes for wire
  • not all drip tips will fit


I am very happy I bought this one, yes the holes might be a bit tiny for some, but for me this tank is almost perfect. This tank is in my opinion beginner friendly, but building a dual coil is harder then a single coil off course.

If you like non standard dual coils, very thick wire : this is not the tank for you.
If you like dual coils, good flavor and airflow, use less thick wire : this is a must buy